Dale Schneider of Grafton, Ohio, the current North Coast Mustang & Ford Club VP,
joined the Mustang club in 2015. HIs love of Mustangs started when he watched the 1968 movie "Bullitt". Dale is the owner of a 2021 Ford Bronco, 2005 Ford Mustang, & his pride and joy- the 1971 Mach One. It took Dale 25 years to acquire the 1971 Mach One from it's previous owner- long story- not enough room here for the whole story. He started working on it Fall of 2012 & it was ready for the road in 2015. The Mach 1 even made an appearance in his daughter Hanna's wedding in August, 2019. Hanna aspires to be a Mustang owner one day like her dad. Dale's been a Ford and Mustang fan for years. It started with his 1973 Lincoln Mark IV with the spoke wheels (the chick "magnet"), then his 1969 F250 HiBoy. He went to order his 2005 Ford Mustang in March, 2005, when Ford came out with the retro body style and wound up bringing the Mustang home that was just delivered to the dealership (the silver car in the pics). Then he acquired the Mach 1 in 2012. In July, 2020 he reserved his old style new Bronco and finally picked it up in January, 2022. On most evenings when the weather is warm you can find him in his garage detailing his babies. He also likes to drive around and show off that Calypso Coral Mach 1.
Thank you Dale Schneider