July Featured Club Member
Kevin DoranMy name is Kevin Doran and I joined the North Coast Ford and mustang club around 2014 based on a recommendation from Eric Kauffmann. Growing up as a teenager in the late 60's and early 70's how one could not be interested in cars. I went to a parochial college prep high school which did not offer any shop classes. I decided to take summer auto shop classes at Fairview High school to learn about the mechanics of how they ran. While going to college at CSU I worked at an auto repair shop, the local gas station, and a few summer stints at Ford Motor Company engine plant 1 in Brook Park. I still recall while working at the gas station one summer I worked the morning and took my final college course. Walking into Advanced Accounting the first day wearing my gas station uniform the professor asked if I was in the right class. I said "Is this advanced accounting" to which he replied "yes". I said" I am". Over the years I have owned many "classic cars" including a 1968 Dodge Charge, 1970 GTO, among others. Still my favorite was the Ford Mustang. In 2013 and 2014 I sold my 1978 Trans Am Firebird and 1967 Ford Mustang coupe and purchased my current car in 2015. I liked the body styles of the 2005-2009 mustangs and was looking for a low mileage, manual transmission, convertible, premium GT model which I found in Detroit MI. I continue to drive my 2007 Ford Mustang and enjoy every day I own it. The mustang club has been an ideal way to share this hobby with others who have the same interest.