April Featured Club Member
Pam FoxApril's feature club member is Pam Fox! Here is her story. I met Pam when I first joined NCMFCO. Back at our July show in 2018, Pam and I dominated the 50/50 ticket sales. I'm glad Pam is part of the club and I'm glad to call her my friend. Enjoy her story. I would like to introduce myself Pam Fox. I have been a member of NCMFCO for several years. I enjoy being involved in the club's car shows and events. I have always had a passion for Muscle and Fast cars. I also like cruising and Drag Racing with my husband Craig. First, I would like to talk about the purchased of my first new car a 1988 Ford Mustang GT. It stills has the original paint and interior. I did change the exhaust to Flow Master and changed the axles to 5 lug for Billet Specialty wheels. After all these years it only has 55,000 miles and has never been driven in the snow. Second, I would like to talk about the purchased of my second new car a 2015 Dodge Scat Pact Challenger. It stills has the original paint and interior with only 10,000 miles and has never been driven in the snow. Both cars are a lot of fun to drive.